Hiring an attorney on a contingency-fee basis
The average individual doesn’t have the resource to themselves pay a lawyer by the hour, or pay for the expenses of a lawsuit. It may cost $100, 150, 200, 300, upwards, tens of thousands of dollars in any event, to prosecute a lawsuit on behalf of someone who’s injured. The lawyers who can be effective for their clients and who really can do this kind of practice are gonna be lawyers who not only are brainy, and energetic, and can read and write, and stand up in front of 12 people and really talk about the injured person, but they’re also people who themselves have the resources to put on behalf of their clients, and in contingency cases, that’s what happens. The lawyer pays the expenses, pays the cost, and then relies upon a result to be paid and be paid back for that.
Categories: Accidents & Injuries, Lawsuits & Claims