What types of non-physician experts do you use in trial?
Most of the experts that are non-physicians, so talking about non-medical issues in a personal injury case, have to do with the first part of the case, which is do you have a liability claim, the responsibility for the injury — was it caused by a truck driver? Was it caused by the collapse of a building under construction? Was it caused — was the fire caused by a particular entity that came onto the property? Where we use liability experts most frequently are the liability cases where we have to answer those questions. Again, the client comes in and tells us a story that they — that they fell off a balcony that had no railings. In order to put that into context so that a jury can comprehend, appreciate and understand that that’s a mistake by an architect or a builder of the property like that, we have to go out and get architects or builders to explain how it is that that client’s injury should have been prevented under the prevailing standards in a particular industry, and that’s really where — where just about it always focuses in a construction case or in a products liability case. It’s like what is the rest of the universe that’s involved in this particular issue, be it preventing falls from buildings or product liability — was there a problem with the car? We have to go out and get qualified people to address the first part of the case to establish that there’s a liability claim. And, as always in a personal injury case, we’re going to have to deal with doctors and the medical testing on the second part of the case. But I think the experts, the non-physician experts, are pretty much technical people in the various professional fields that by nature of what’s happened to our clients we have to criticize that and explain why it should have done better.
Categories: Accidents & Injuries, Construction Accidents, Lawsuits & Claims