Child Custody
One of the misnomers today is that there’s sole custody, that there’s going to be a custodian and there’s going to be a visitation parent. We have moved so far from that. Even the judges and the legislature have embraced that completely. What we’re finding is they’re going to get as close as they can to a true shared parenting schedule and rights and duties as they can and as feasible as possible because studies have shown kids need both parents. Both parents seem to, at least the high-functioning ones, want to do the best thing for their kids. If you’ve got two high-functioning parents who want to do the right thing by their kiddos, then what needs to happen is they need to devise a plan to make sure that happens, that those kids get as much as they can out of each parent. It’s not about what the parent gets of the kids. It’s what the kids get from the parents. Yeah, you know what? It’s going to take some sacrifices and some compromises. That’s what we do for our children. The legislatures embraced that which means your judges are going to embrace it and which certainly means that even in a litigation setting a fallback schedule may be there. But if you’re truly competent and good parents who want to do the right thing, you’re going to be in a good … You’re going to set up a plan so that you can co-parent with your spouse or ex-spouse. You’d do that if you were married because we want what’s best for our kids.
Categories: Family Law, Child Custody