Custody and the best interest of children
Some folks come in and they’ve got the perfect solution for the custody battle. You take one child, and the other parent will take the other child. That may not always be suitable. Your children are not guppies or dogs. What you need to really consider in even thinking about splitting the children is what’s best for both of those children or all three of those children. Sometimes, there is a vast difference in the ages and the interest of children, and split custody might work in that instance. A child, boy child perhaps 14-years-old, may well really want to be with his father, and that might be the best place for him. However, it might not be best for his 10-year-old sister to be with the mother. It might be best that the 10-year-old sister be with the brother as well. You have to look at the various dynamics not just of one child who might have a preference of which parent to live with.
Categories: Family Law, Child Custody